The War Against Liberal Socialist Aggression
Contrary to revisionist history, the “Civil War” (actually, the “War of Northern Aggression”) was not fought because of a slavery issue. Slavery was an adjunct issue added to the fray due to the (rightful) persuasion of the abolitionists (who were, by the way, mostly Christians). This war was fought because of the insistence of the southern states’ to adhere to the Constitution and to not submit to a powerful sovereignty-stripping central government. Jefferson Davis stated clearly that he tried for 12 years to circumvent a war but the north was dead set on usurping the Constitution and forcing the states to submit.
Nothing less than this crisis of sovereignty loss has, once again, come upon America. This time it’s the Liberals, mostly “northerners” again, who are fighting against the defenders of the Constitution and who are opposing state’s rights. The issue is the forcing of the “Stimulus Plan” upon the several states. Some brave states are refusing to play along. They understand that the socialists have been chipping away at the Constitution and our rights at least since the previously worshipped socialist, FDR. It is time to end this anti-Americanism.
It’s time to fight the “Damn Yankees” who insist upon usurping the Constitution and forcing it to mean what they want it to mean with complete disregard for the intentions of the founding fathers. For instance, they somehow find it “Constitutional” to force the teaching of homosexuality upon us and our children and to even teach it to them while they are in grade school. They have nothing but contempt for the rights of parents or of anyone who has a moral or conscionable objection to such perversion.
It’s time to resist and rebel against the theft of sovereignty and dignity from the states and their peoples while forcing them to pay for socialist programs. No more should we permit the Federal “Big Brother” Police Welfare State to steal our wages that are to be distributed to masses of illegal aliens and to kill the unborn of this and foreign nations and to fund a plethora of socialist causes.
Barack Obama (who has voiced that the state has the “right” to take care of its people and that no teenager should have to suffer motherhood after an unwanted pregnancy), Hillary Clinton (just one of the guys), Nancy Pelosi (who has publicly stated that she will see to it that illegal aliens will collect Social Security) , John Kerry (a man without a conscience who insists that butchering babies is a "right"), Joe Biden (a documented Second Amendment hater and gun control freak), Al Gore (made a hokey film about global warming to warm the hearts and minds of other loonies), Diane Frankenstein (sic - highly revered queen of queens), Barney Frank (aka “Big Frank”), Ruth Bader Ginsburg (so liberal and open minded that her brains have fallen out), David Souter (who has demonstrated less wisdom than a day old goose), and other elitist Marxist Hordes of Socialist Huns with the aid of the bottom dwelling socialist "American Criminal Liberties Union" (sometimes known as the ACLU), are pushing as hard as they can to destroy our country and to erect a new world order of socialism. They are all fighting to impose a “cradle to the grave” NAZI (Nationalsozialisten - National Socialists) regime that forces its subjects to adore it in much the same way as the North Koreans worshipped Kim Il Sung (anyone notice folks adoring and worshipping Barack “Spread the Wealth” Obama, the new hard-core socialist Messiah?). They are adamant about erasing national borders between Canada, Mexico, and the US (which would make us all one big happy third-world family). And, they insist on deferring to European law and traditions rather than our own Constitution and laws.
We can and must push back. If we must secede from the corrupt and vile Constitution-perverting liberal socialist “North”, then we must do it now and do it with all alacrity and resolve. We must fight them with an indefatigable spirit and not faint at their blustering corrupt blather and rhetoric. It must be understood that these people are not normal and little that they say is normal. They are laboring under the diagnosable illness of “Liberalism” (the “Loony Left” appellation is used for good reason) and must not be regarded as rational. To heed their lies is to invite our demise as a nation. They are no more rational than the Muslim terrorists who die for their cause nor can they be any more easily convinced of their lunacy and criminality.
We must stand for America, its Constitution, and its God. To not do so is to submit to an inexcusable slavery foisted upon us by the haters of all that is good and who call “evil” “good” and “good” “evil”. It is to admit defeat and to turn tail in all cowardice accepting the evil “Nanny State”. It is to accept a false safety thinking that the government has our best interest at heart. To not do so is to accept the perversion of homosexuality as normative and to accept the slaughter of babies in their mother’s wombs as “choice”. It is to give amnesty to millions of illegal aliens who will be recipients of the “spread the wealth” Marxist socialism tendered by the newly elected criminal in the White House. It is to forfeit our language, our culture, and our land to those who speak Spanish (English speaking Caucasian Californians are now a minority in their own state and its rapidly happening to other states). It is to forfeit freedom for socialist security. It is to accept a society where responsibility is no longer required and where the government has all of the answers because the people are too stupid to care for themselves. It is to live in a land where the “mindless masses” exist for the good of the police state. After all, the state knows what’s best for all (see the article below where John Kerry states this for a fact). It is to live in a nation where criminals have rights but victims do not and where it’s a crime to defend oneself in their own home. It is to live where terrorists combatants and enemies of our country are set free but defenders of our borders are sent to prison. It is to live in a land where brain power must be imported because the school system demands the dumbing down of its students so that only a few can read and write (but at least they’re all “equal”). It is to be forced to violate one’s conscience and religious convictions because the state has decreed amorality and evil as the standard (i.e. the state can now force a doctor to commit an abortion even if it’s against his religion).
It's time to fight the war against liberal socialist aggression. If these several states do not falter and will take a stand against Big Brother, I will be found in the middle of their brave men and women who will no longer tolerate the tyranny of socialism and liberalism. If I may humbly use the words of a great man who would do no less now than he did then, “Give me liberty or give me death”.
Please note that these tyrants expect civil disobedience. They are counting on it. They know full well that rational, sane, good, responsible, and nationalistic people will, at some point, become sick of the insanity and fight for their survival. "Martial Law" will be imposed to control the "civil disobedience" and then all hell will break loose. Stock up on food, arms, and ammo and hope for the best while preparing for the worst. It isn't going to get better any time soon.
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