Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Not in My Back Yard?

Given our town’s proximity to larger cities, I suppose that it was bound to happen. And, I’ve known for a long time that the “Flying Fickle Finger of Fate” spares few. Plus, it makes sense now that I think about it; a weapons cache in a smallish south-central San Joaquin Valley town. Nestled at the base of the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountain, my modest home town typifies America. Our people are hard-working and industrious and most are the friendly sort. What a perfect place to hide AK-47’s and other assault weapons.

The local newspaper advised that the FBI located a storage trailer on the business property that had been stuffed with a “large number” of weapons and at least one “device” that had what appeared to be a timer or some sort attached to it. No, the “Feds” were not at all forthcoming with any information on the event other than it had been an “ongoing investigation”. Seems they had been watching the owner of the mini-mart for some time and finally served the arrest and search warrants. He has been denied a lower bail so will be in the slammer for awhile.

About all the info the local press could gather was that the executors of the warrants were members of the “Joint Terrorism Task Force”. Local authorities were only apprised of the matter after the warrants were served. For those who had been paying even remote attention to current events, such scant information actually spelled out as much as the the paper would likely have written had it been given anything to work with.

I never really liked the dingy, dark, run-of-the-mill stop-and-rob. But they had the cheapest gasoline in town (and I forgot to win the state lottery so was shopping for cheap gas). The place saw a brisk business despite being in a notibly inconvenient location.

The “Urban Dictionary” defines “hinky” as: “Something as yet indefinable is wrong, out of place; not quite right” and “A cop's version of ‘I've got a bad feeling about that’”. It’s that gut feeling of ill boding you get when you meet someone or perhaps when you are about to go somewhere. There’s something amiss but it’s not immediately evident. Your gut says “No!” but then your head will often dismiss the matter. So it was when I met the owner who was later arrested.

The owner seemed a bit “hinky” to me (no doubt a vestigial awareness from my having served as a police officer). I spoke an Arabic greeting to him a couple of times when getting gas there. The first time I did that he asked me, "Are you CIA?". Though somewhat humbled by the fact that someone could confuse an overweight middle-aged white guy with being a CIA operative, I simply grinned and said, "No", and that I merely enjoyed languages. Nevertheless, that should have been a clue. But, alas, my naivety hampered my thinking skills and I developed perceptual blocking. After all; what could possibly happen in our laid-back burg? Hadn't there been peace for all these years? How could something tragic come to this largely agrarian part of our spinning spitball in space? Could anything evil come from our “All-America City” (1994)? Could there possibly be a larger conspiracy to help destroy my country lurking in an Arab’s back yard in my hometown? My answer; “Nope; not in my back yard. It ain’t happening here”. But, it almost did happen.

Human frailty; what can you say. It comes with the umbilical chord and is not wont to leak out or depart despite powerful persistent pleas. It is difficult to purge this insidious seducing conspirator that lures man into not trusting their intuition, experience, and thinking; and that can often place him beyond his limitations..

We’ll probably never know about the “sleeper cell” here and how large it is. The members will likely scurry off like exposed cockroaches and take up camp in some other small town. We probably won’t know exactly when or where the weapons were to be used other than that they were to be given to “insurgents”. But, we do know that they were going to be used to destroy lives and shatter the dreams of Americans whether here or abroad. They were going to spill our blood with no thought given to human life but only to their sick perverted religion and cause.

Even ten years ago that I know of, truth criers were trying to tell anyone who would listen that there were more than 3,000 “students” who had simply disappeared in this country and no one knew where they were. They shouted from the housetops that “sleeper cells” were being established across the nation. The alarm largely fell on deaf ears. How many cells are there now because no one in leadership listened? Why are so few eyes in Washington DC opened to the truth in light of overwhelming evidence that there can easily be a threat in everyone’s backyard?

The ship is sinking and our leadership hasn’t even picked up a bucket with which to bail water. If that isn’t spooky enough; I have been across this nation and back and have only seen a handful of convenience marts/gas stations that didn’t belong to a foreigner. Most of them were, in fact, of Arabic descent (with many others Indian or Pakistani who haven’t an ounce of sympathy toward the "Great Satan").

If it can happen in my backyard, it can happen in others' backyard and we all need to address this issue with all gravity. This is not a game. Our adversary is as cold blooded as a python and even more determined for prey.

We need to be alert; not paranoid. Paranoia plays into the hands of the enemy. Every small town needs to apprise its people that this is a national emergency and that they shouldn’t be found “asleep at the wheel”. Naivety needs to be eradicated as if it were a virulent plague and replaced with wise and trained thought that doesn’t jump to conclusion (or to “concussions”, for that matter).

Our proclivity for human frailty must be overcome to the best of our ability so that we are not blind-sided by a ruthless foe. Fear needs to be weeded out for the faith choking thorn bush that it is so that it cannot be used against us. There needs to be a national cohesiveness on this matter so that we don’t defeat our selves with petty squabbling and infighting while the enemy slaughters our children and prepares to bomb our dreams into countless funeral pyres dotting the country. Our national symbol is the bald eagle so let us all watch with an eagle eye the movements of an enemy who is already camped in our back yard. And, we need to make sure that the government doesn’t take away our Constitutional right to defend ourselves with our own weapons.

Then, we need to let the leaders of our country that they need to make thinks happen and do it now. If they don’t (and the ones who are in office now have proven to be most recalcitrant in hearing our pleas to protect America and her future), we need to boot them out and elect “real” Americans who will protect us (the primary responsibility of the government, in fact). We need to stop following after socialist lackeys (like that nobody Barak Obama who has become the socialist’s poster child and savior) and turn our eyes and hearts toward true Americans (like Ron Paul) who will stand firm to the law and the Constitution.

Let us pray that those in leadership across this nation have a revelation that they will have to stand before the living God. They need to know that they will have to explain to Him why they didn’t place a moratorium on immigration and why they continued to allow terrorists into this country by the thousands.

Let us also pray for them that they and we may have peace (in accordance to scripture). Finally, we need to pray for a manifestation of George Washington’s dream of the Lord bringing great revival and cleansing and healing to our land. If we do not, there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth.

NOTE: Please don't hesitate to check out the archived teachings at:

Thursday, May 10, 2007

The Voting Mindset

Has anyone noticed that there appears to be a few particular and consistent mindsets concerning politics and voting? They follow a certain pattern and each one quickly becomes defensive of their beliefs when confronted with truth or reality. They also overlook a great deal of facts and reality to be able to support their actions (or lack thereof). Their defensive tactics are also quite consistent with each spouting the same old rhetoric and excuses.

One mindset is that of the “got it made in the shade” character who doesn’t want his personal “pond and ducks” to be disturbed with tidal waves of facts. His argument goes something like this: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You can’t fool me, overweight middle-aged politically agitating conspiracy theory WASP type guy. I have a great job, make lots of money, and carry an American Express Platinum card. I have a new big screen TV, a new swimming pool, and a new BBQ grill. My Ol’ Lady works, I make a few bucks on the side doing computer repairs, we drive a big new luxury SUV, a new luxury sports car, and life is good! It’s my economy, stupid and I don’t need you conservative whackos trying to destroy my way of life! Go preach to the rest of the right wing nuts and leave me alone while I do “shrimps on the barby”!

Uh…yep; average-weight, work-out-at-the-gym-regularly, liberal type who works 70 odd hours per week, who has swallowed the socialist lie, and who regularly votes for anti-American Godless Marxists. Life was also good in Hiroshima until approximately 8:15 AM on August 6th, 1945. It appears that you have forgotten about “exponentials” talked about in your freshman year math classes in high school and that socialism doesn’t work (you do remember “the Wall”, don’t you?). You are being bled dry by a government that hates you and is allowing millions of illegal aliens to crash your private party and kill, rape, and rob your people. And you are more concerned with your BBQ grill? That explains a lot. I trust that you don’t expect me to show much emotion when you are required to sacrifice your lifestyle in doing your fair share for the good cause of supporting 20 million illegal aliens. Trust me; there will be no tears.

How about the absolutely sincere tax paying, responsible, church going rock-solid pillar of the community for decades who thinks along these lines: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You can’t fool me, oh, ye of little faith. Know ye not that God has everything under control and that there is nothing we can do to change one jot or tittle by our simple vote?! Hah! Thou fool! Thou art found in fear and doubt! Repent and be resigned to your predestined fate! Who did you say Edmund Burke was?

Um…sure, oh, great believer; full of wisdom and….uh…other things. I guess I was misunderstanding the many parts of the Bible where we are to resist evil and to actually be the light of the world and displace its darkness. I guess I was thinking that we could actually ask God for wisdom so that we would be able to discern those who are real Constitutionalist Americans and who are for our God and our people. Silly me. I was also thinking that we could actually know those who represent us in government. Burke? Oh, he was just a guy who understood that evil will enslave us in a heartbeat if we just hide our head in the sand and do nothing at all.

Then there is the older (and you would think wiser) person who is retired or semi-retired and who is probably counting his pocket change to help make it to the end of the month: Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! You can’t fool me lover of the rich and hater of the poor! You want to elect those who will cut my Social Security income! Fie on you, evil and dastardly son of deception and speaker of lies! I would that I had thousands of extra votes to elect those who will insure my meager monthly income and…uh…poverty.

Uh-huh. I think I get the picture. The Liberals taxed your Social Security income and want to steal as much of it as they can but you think that it's the Conservatives who want to take it away or reduce your income. How interesting. Peace be unto you.

How about this one: Hey, Grasshopper. Like, uh…dig it. We really need to vote for those who will, like, protect our freedom and rights! Like, um, you know, like for those of us who partake in a little wacky tobacky. We have rights, you know, and it ain’t like we’re hurtin’ anybody! We have to be protected from “the Man” and, well, some of those conservative guys just ain’t interested in helpin’ “the cause” don’tcha know. They ain’t protectin’ our rights, man! Plus, we have to keep those in there who are at least keepin’ the “free love” gig happening. You know; like “women’s rights” and stuff. Naw.....I don't know nothing about teenage pregnancy, man. Hey; just hand out more condoms but protect our rights, dig?

Sure, Weedsmoker. I dig. I surely do. I can see clearly now; the smoke and mirrors are gone.

Then there’s this one: We have to do everything possible to not split the vote!! We have to maintain power and we mustn’t allow the enemy to win at all costs! We must not be a “house divided”! Uh….the lesser of what evils? Uh…what illegal aliens? Uh…what illegal war? Uh...what Constitution? Whatayuhmean, “abandon ship”?

Hmmm…..pardon me. But, I was really thinking that we didn’t have to accept an illegal form of government with a rogue president or that we had to vote for larger or smaller serpents. I guess I have been voting up the wrong tree. By the way; I have the right and the obligation to “abandon ship” if I think that it's sinking to the bottom of an ugly black sea of evil.

A real scary one is this: Oh, he seemed like the nicest one of the bunch so I voted for him. He was so sincere, too. He is a real family man and cares so much about people! In fact, I was even thinking that it may be time for us to have a woman president too!

OK. Uh, have you seen my emesis basin? Yesiree. That’s about as scientific and logical as you can get. Let’s not do any homework and find out what the candidates really believe. That’s far too much trouble. And, after all, it’s only the fate of the entire nation so, what’s the big deal? You are thinking about having a woman president? May I respectfully suggest that, given the fact that there is only one choice, perhaps you will want to continue taking your psych meds.

This one is equally scary: I don’t vote because my vote doesn’t count.

Ah…yes. And, the millions of others who don’t vote wouldn’t have changed the “hanging chad” dog and pony losers-are-whiners show in Florida at all? I see. I reckon I missed something.

One particularly grave mindset is this: We must not elect conservatives under any circumstances! They will re-establish Constitutionalism and nationalism! They will see to it that criminals are punished and even put on death row for their crimes. Then, they would execute all of those who are on death row without it costing millions of dollars in appeals and taking twenty years! That would close prisons and put thousands out of work! They would value human life over that of spotted owls, animals, and old-growth forests, for the love of Gaia! They would even go to the extreme of establishing absolutes and enforcing laws! Those fascist racists would even enforce immigration laws at every level of government and punish business that hired our friends, the illegal aliens! If that isn’t enough, they would terminate the right of a mother to slaughter a baby in her own private womb! These intellectually-challenged cretins want to end “Children's Rights” and end state control over their offspring!

Uh…what’s your point? ‘Scuse me for a second; I think I found that emesis basin.

I suspect that there are a couple of other mindsets that haven’t been addressed but am fairly confident that these are the main ones.

NOTE: Please see archived teachings at They had me update this blog with the understanding that "nothing would change". In fact, everything changed.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Strong Delusion

According to at least one dictionary, the definition of “delusion” is this:

a. The act or process of deluding
b. The state of being deluded
2. A false belief or opinion: labored under the delusion that success was at hand
3. Psychiatry A false belief strongly held in spite of invalidating evidence, especially as a symptom of mental illness: delusions of persecution

What really catches one’s attention is the third one where a person “strongly” holds a belief in spite of “invalidating evidence”. In other words; they never allow the truth to interfere with what that believe not matter what.

One clear and classic example of this unjustifiable position was seen during the interview with James Carville and his wife, Mary Matalin, during a talking heads program a few years ago. James, ever the rabid defender of political vomitus, tendered his position on some particular matter. It was so stupid that Mary quickly countered that James was living proof that some people never allow the truth to interfere with their beliefs.

Let’s take a look at this dynamic from a Biblical aspect. We see this word, deception, being used once in the Bible in 2 Thessalonians 2:11. It says this:

“And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie”

Strong’s Concordance shows us that the Greek Word used means this:

(Strong’s number) #4106 plane {plan’-ay}

from 4108 (as abstractly); TDNT - 6:228,857; n f

AV - error 7, to deceive 1, deceit 1, delusion 1; 10

1) a wandering, a straying about
1a) one led astray from the right way, roams hither and thither
2) metaph.
2a) mental straying
2a1) error, wrong opinion relative to morals or religion
2b) error which shows itself in action, a wrong mode of acting
2c) error, that which leads into error, deceit or fraud

Now…I have no particular claim to being a great Biblical expositor. However, I don’t recall that the Bible requires that we be a great Biblical expositor to be able to understand it. In fact, it only requires that we study so that we may rightly divide the word of truth. This is also to say that, by and large, the Bible actually just needs to be believed rather than “interpreted” (save for the book of Revelation, I should suppose). That leaves believers like me more than able to understand a good deal of the word a good deal of the time just as the Lord had planned all along.

If we look at the overall dynamics of delusion, we can quickly discover that it’s optional. Stop and think about it. If the Bible says that the truth is available for the taking and someone doesn’t take it; then it’s optional. Likewise, one can only be deluded if they “take” what is sent to them. We can see that the people referred to in the Bible reference chose not to receive the truth (again, meaning that receiving the truth, which always reconciles, is optional. We see this in the church all of the time being manifested as sectarianism and lack of unity). However, when the deception comes, they receive it and therefore believe a lie.

Since it would be difficult to argue that we are anything other than in the end of the “end times”, all of this leads me to wonder if this “strong delusion” is beginning to come upon this nation and upon all of the earth. We can ask the question this way: how long does one have to look at our (global) political environment and come to any other conclusion than the “delusion” spoken of in the Bible may well be upon us?

How about this question: how long does one have to listen to the loony left National Democratic Socialist Party (i.e. the Nazis) to know that they are self-deceived and have bought into a philosophy that is absolutely indefensible and which flies in the face of truth, justice, and the American way? Talk about deluded!

Has anyone noticed how the liberals hardly ever deny the allegations against them or their beliefs? Rather, they ignore them and then deflect the accusation by attacking the accusers. They then scream and yell at their detractors for not following after their perverse, un-Godly, un-Constitutional, and un-American ways. This is straight up “self-deception” and is the evidence of the willingness to deny the truth at all cost for the fulfillment of an agenda or other (presumed) “truth”.

One example is that I have yet to hear these great defenders of “women’s rights” ever deny that abortion was murder. It’s just that they place “choice” above murder (and if that isn’t insanity stacked in the flesh, I don’t know what is!). They then yell, growl, and ululate to drown out the voices of reason and sanity that would try to convince them of their monumental and infanticidal error. Their mental aberrancy has convinced them that there is no good or evil so it’s just a matter of choice for them.

How about tree hugging (i.e. nature worship which is idolatry) and the according of humanity to animals so that they have equal rights with humans (or in some cases they actually have more rights!)! Now, that is diagnosable.

And, how about Ted Kennedy who, televised on globally-broadcast CNN, accepted all illegal aliens as “our friends”! You can’t get to such an astonishing “overthrow America first” statement without being a stark raving deluded socialist lunatic!

Having said all of this; I think it not strange that we are awash in delusion and insanity. People are accepting “a lie”. In fact, they are swallowing just about every lie that comes down the pike! I don’t find it amazing anymore that people rabidly and mercilessly cling to their beliefs while avoiding all truth at all times. I’m no longer stunned that facts, empirical evidences, and inviolate historical truth are perfunctorily cast into a heap of social detritus and replaced by a philosophy and sociology so evil that it was only embraced by a few candidates for the funny farm in times past.

What mystery is there any more that people would kill others to preserve their system and philosophy? After all, aren’t Christians (killed for just about any reason throughout history) just a bunch of “right wing nut jobs” and mentally-deficient invalids who use religion as a crutch and for whom it is merely an opiate? Aren’t they worthy of removal from the earth so that they no longer violate liberalism and egalitarianism so that they don’t contaminate the fantasy realm so laboriously and craftily erected? Aren’t they just weak and unworthy animals at the bottom end of the food chain who need to be purged from the stronger elements of society? Doesn’t the “New World Order” have to be established for the good of all mankind? Must not equality and security prevail to insure the survival of all men? Didn’t I read about this in the Bible?