Thursday, June 28, 2007

Three Aspects of the Bible

When searching for (bottom-line) truth in the Bible and teachers of such truth in our churches, we must understand that there are three aspects of the Bible. The first is the “historical aspect”. This needs little explanation as it is self-evident. Many (Bible) teachers (pastor/teachers) today have a solid command of the historical aspect of the Bible. They are well versed in the Greek and Hebrew languages so that are able to accurately relate what has happened in ancient times. They can teach about Paul’s “missionary journeys” and how many kings ruled in Israel and how many of them were bad. They do an excellent job of it.

The next aspect is that of the “practical”. This aspect teaches such things as how to relate to others; that we should be good citizens; that we attend church regularly; be a responsible and caring spouse, that we remain faithful with employment/business, pay our bills, and such. Most “pastors”/”teachers” are quite able to teach this aspect in all confidence and competence. Likewise, there are many excellent books on living a practical Christian life which have been written by capable men.

The third aspect is the “spiritual aspect”. This covers the entirety of spiritual matters concerned in the Bible. Since “God is that Spirit”, then it even involves who He is and how and why He operates and speaks. It involves, therefore, such things as the moving of the Holy Spirit and the operational laws and principles of the Kingdom of God. It covers the manifestations of the gifts of the Spirit (as outlined in 1 Corinthians 12) as well as the ministry gift manifestations (as outlined in Romans 12). It also encompasses prayer (in the spirit/Spirit), intercessory prayer, and “Christ birthing and formational prayer” as we see in Galatians 4:19[1]. This aspect also includes a revelation of proper church structure and order as lead by the Holy Spirit (and not choreographed by man and religion as we see in virtually all churches today).

This is the aspect about which few people seem to know (though many declare otherwise). This is because this aspect has been excised from the Bible (by the non-Pentecostals) and largely misunderstood by the Pentecostals. By “excising”, I mean that the most important book in the entire Bible that teaches about “spiritual matters” (the book of the “Acts of the Apostles”) has been relegated to merely an historical significance and is not allowed to be part of the contemporary church. The effect is nothing less than eliminating an entire book from the Bible.

Such a practice is entirely unacceptable and is, at once, ludicrous and dangerous. Though many other chapters and verses are excised from the Bible by the doctrines of men, this is an entire book being cut completely out of the Bible. Can you think of a more effective way to defeat Christians than removing God’s word (i.e. God’s light, truth, and wisdom) from them and do so “in the name of the Lord”? How effective is it when you can convince the “enemy” to twist and distort the word of God so as to use it against himself? This is exactly what Satan has done. He has made the powerful gospel of the resurrection virtually ineffectual by making Christians think that taking an entire book from the Bible is God’s will. He has used the Bible to “prove” a new doctrine that has no resemblance to what the word says in plain black and white.

It’s this lack of understanding (being perpetuated by well-meaning preachers) which creates a serious handicap in the body of Christ. To illustrate the problem, let’s use the example of a “flight instructor” (in this instance, non-Pentecostals) teaching others how to “fly” (how to understand “spiritual matters”). The “instructor” will say things like: ‘This is an airplane and it has wings”. This is an entirely accurate statement. He will say: “If you put fuel in this plane, execute a pre-flight inspection, start the engine, taxi to the active runway, and then, when cleared for take-off, give it full throttle, this airplane will fly”. This statement is absolutely an accurate statement. However, in this case, the “instructor” has never been off the ground. He has no experience actually flying the aircraft. Yet, he is trying to teach others about “flying”. This analogy is meant to show how non-Pentecostals are trying to teach matters about which they have no knowledge and in which they have absolutely no experience. They’ve “never flown the plane”.

Obviously, someone who tries to fly an airplane with such “instruction” will utterly fail. So it is in our Christian world. There are men who are trying to teach others how to “fly” (how to be “spiritual”) who have little or no understanding themselves. The ensuing “crash” (failure as a Christian) will then be blamed on God as His will (in some mysterious way) to make us a better person. It becomes a new doctrine of “how to fail” despite the fact that there is no provision for failure in the covenant we have with God in Christ.

Accordingly, an extreme example of this principle is how one graceless doctrine (that is tendered by teachers of “grace”!) is how some judge “backsliders” (judging those who fail, if you please). The person will “faint in their mind” and “give up” the fight against the darkness which is pressing against them (tribulation or trail). Rather than have mercy and grace on that individual and attempt to restore them (exactly like the Bible says to do), that person is then considered to not have been saved in the first place! This is not only utter foolishness but also a denial of scripture and a violent and loveless refutation of the grace of God.

Clearly then, being an expert in the “historical aspect” and the “practical aspect” of the Bible in no way qualifies a person to be an expert in the “spiritual aspect”. Unfortunately, we find this exact scenario in force today in almost all churches where pastors have been “trained” in a seminary/Bible college and not, as we see in the Bible, by the Holy Spirit and qualified spiritual leaders. One simply cannot learn about spiritual matters in a seminary. Since nothing spiritual at all is (correctly) taught there, then there has to be a revision of doctrine to account for a complete lack of the spiritual aspect of Christianity and the power of God it represents. That revision results in the removal of the Holy Spirit from the church and the removal of the (anointed and truly spiritual) servants/teachers of the Lord; they are no longer allowed to serve.

These servants are often called the “five-fold ministry”. They operate in the power of the Spirit of God (proclaiming the powerful gospel of the resurrection) and are in place to be able to teach “spiritual” matters. This means, then, that what is left is an appearance of “Godliness” but a denial of the power thereof (because of doctrinally excluding the “power gifts” like the apostle, prophet, and [true] evangelists). This is because, where God is, power is and where God is not; power is not. This is invariably in the Bible yet it is a point that is utterly dismissed by far too many “preachers”.

It should be evident, then, that preaching/teaching a 2/3’s “gospel” simply isn’t what the Lord intended at any point in time for His people. But, this is the status of all of what we call “mainline denominational” and “evangelical” churches (and, sadly, even a few Pentecostals churches). What is intended is a “complete” or “full” gospel that evidences the resurrection power of Christ by His Spirit. The Lord has always used His power to reconcile His creation to His peace. Yet the doctrines of men and demons have cheated His heritage of this marvelous grace by disallowing the power of God.

This is a good place to make a note that believing that God is powerful is not the same as believing that God will use that power and/or expecting Him to do what the Bible clearly says He will do and has done regarding it.

A word of caution needs to be added here. While it’s extremely important to appropriate the “full gospel”, we must note that simply calling a denomination or church “full gospel” in no wise makes it so. The “Pentecostals” (all of them) have followed the same path as all of the other denominations and doctrines. They have taken a genuine revelation of the Spirit[2] and the workings of the Spirit and stopped receiving revelation of the established word of God (i.e. they stopped learning and maturing). They too have become guardians of their respective doctrines[3].That also means that they gainsay anyone who has a (true) subsequent revelation of God’s word (beyond their belief structure) since it won’t fit their doctrines any more than the Pentecostal’s doctrines will fit the doctrines of the non-Pentecostals. Note that the references to those whom have such a revelation are, by and large, intended to be those of the so-called “Faith Movement” (thought there certainly are others who have matured beyond established church doctrines).

Likewise, the “Word of Faith” teachers have stopped their growth as well and have become their own denomination with the attendant pride and other such ensuing error. Many have suffered because of their doctrines being incomplete and because they lack wisdom and understanding (the very first priority of Christianity is to get wisdom and understanding[4]). Surely they have a measure of revelation which the others do not have and surely they have advanced beyond the others. However, having yet another doctrine that is measured against other doctrines and not against “all of the truth all of the time” is not what the Lord has ordained. What began as a beautiful virgin has now become a rather unsightly hag. Understandably, Evangelicals and others (all non-Pentecostals) and many Pentecostals gainsay the “Faith Movement” in no uncertain terms and judge them very harshly because of their overall lack of maturity[5].

Referring back to the “flight instructor” who has never flown the airplane: though they judge with all authority as “defenders of the faith”, they actually know nothing about faith and don’t even recognize the use of faith outside of salvation (i.e. they know nothing about the “law of faith”[6]).

Please understand that I am simply pointing out error and that I have all due respect for the pastors/teachers and for their good works that all the various denominations and ministries do. In fact, I am very aware that most of those in error are completely unaware that they are falling short to whatever degree. They are sincere in their beliefs. I don’t question their motives or integrity [7] at all. However, “the truth” is available to all and is hidden from no one. It merely needs be sought after. That also means that it isn’t a “problem” to be wrong since we all start in darkness. But, it surely is a problem to stay wrong since the truth is available to all who diligently seek it. Staying in one place spiritually (no maturity because of a lack of ongoing revelation of the word) is dangerous since there is no passivity in the Kingdom of God[8]. That means that, if you are not “pushing in” to the Kingdom of God, you are being “pushed out” by the default darkness (pressure) of this world[9].

Likewise, being wrong is the same as being “ignorant”. That ignorance is a lack of “truth” and a lack of truth is a lack of light (i.e. it is darkness). That’s because the entrance of the word brings light and the word is God’s truth (i.e. to walk in light is to walk in truth). The Bible addresses what the problem is with being in darkness/ignorance: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge…” (Hosea 4:6) and “Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because [they have] no knowledge…” (Isaiah 5:13). We can clearly see that the consequence for (inexcusable) ignorance is severe. But, again, this ignorance is excused doctrinally as a rationale for why Christians don’t actually have to act like Christians or to use their faith.

Another example of “good works” is that many churches have outreach ministries and will support missionaries. Because of His great mercy, the Lord will use each person or ministry in whatever measure He is allowed to. If people preach Jesus and salvation; then people will get saved. In fact, if all of a church’s doctrines are wrong with the exception of the message of salvation, people will still get saved. That’s because faith (for salvation in this case) comes by hearing, and hearing by the word (in this case the word of salvation). The same applies with healing. A church can be doctrinally deficient but preach healing and people will be healed because they hear the “word of healing”.

It is incumbent upon us, as we receive the revelation of the word of God, to act upon the knowledge we have. We must judge all matters according to the word and not just take for granted the “religion” we have been taught. This includes not taking for granted that highly educated “preachers” actually know anything about the spiritual matters of the Bible and Kingdom of God (again, without minimizing the importance of their knowledge of the historical and practical aspects).

All things must adhere to the standard of all of God’s word all of the time. However, we won’t know these things unless we are diligent to study the word and to seek first the Kingdom of God. We should always be “thinking outside of the (denominational) box”. This isn’t to say that we should dismiss any doctrine out of hand but rather that every single doctrine should be scrutinized to see if it is in alignment with all of the word of God. The point is that we not take what knowledge we have for granted simply because we have learned from a highly credentialed individual. The odds are great that he will be teaching a 2/3’s gospel.

My exhortation then, is to “get in the word”.

[1] This is the enemy’s primary reason for attempting to eliminate the ministry of the (true) Apostle. An apostle will pray without ceasing sometimes all day long for days at a time for God’s people. Which one of the denominational pastors lays their life down like this?
[2] e.g. The infilling of the Holy Spirit being subsequent to salvation as is clearly taught in the Bible then the operation of the gifts of the Spirit in, by, and for the body unto edification
[3] “Our doctrine is the right one!”
[4] Proverbs 4:7
[5] Having a developed and successful “faith’, is not an excuse to not mature in all other areas; specifically, the resolution of the soul to peace which is the primary objective of the Christian. All other teachings are adjuncts to this aim
[6] Romans 3:27
[7] Sincerity is not an excuse for not consistently seeking the truth of God’s word.
[8] Light is always active. Faith is always active. If either are not active they are changed. Light becomes dark and faith is dead
[9] This is the “ Law of Reciprocals” which includes the “Law of the Default Pressure of Darkness”

Please feel free to check out other archived teachings at

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Almost a Mountain Man

Hey, Y’all,

On the way up the hill, and almost to Pierpoint (40 miles up), my transmission lost its grip on its salvation. Its backsliding caused me to have the van towed back to town (thank the Lord for “emergency road service” provisions on insurance policies, eh?). That means that the retreat has been postponed for a short season so I’ll advise at the next attempt.

An interesting note here is that both of my tents are missing. I find that odd. They have been in our (locked) storage shed for some odd years and I even saw them there a few months ago. They are not in the shed; they’re gone. None of my (or Steve's) other camping gear is missing. Amazing.

One really cool deal to come out of it all is that I have a bunch of nice pictures.

Please continue to be in prayerful agreement that all of this works out. Thank you muchly.

The almost mountain man

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Set Apart For a Season

Grace and peace be unto you all from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
The word of the Lord has come to me about setting myself apart for awhile. I’ve known that it was coming for some time now and regret that I had to make the Lord actually have to send His word to me rather than me just following His leading.
Starting next Monday, I will be up in the mountains for a couple of weeks fasting and praying. I covet your prayers for strength concerning the matter as my flesh is voting for a competing agenda.
Likewise, please pray that I be fruitful in all the knowledge of His will in all spiritual understanding and that the fullness of His will be done in all.
This also means that I will not be at the computer and will likely not be near a phone (little if any cell service where I’m going). Fret not for my affliction but rather pray that my faith fail not and for endurance.
Thank you. I appreciate and love you all.


Sunday, June 03, 2007

Blessed are the Peacemakers

“Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God” (Matthew 5:9)

One of the vital factors in maturity is the realization of the need for peace. It is important both to arrive to “peace” (Sabbath rest) by intent and then maintain that peace (as Sabbath keepers).
We can see from the above scripture that being a “peacemaker” is something that is done intentionally. Let’s say it this way: to be “righteous” and remain in peace (i.e. bearing the peaceable fruit of righteousness), we’re going to have to do it on purpose and then maintain vigilance against anything that would try to remove (or “tempt”) us from that rest.

There are reasons for this dynamic of being active and putting pressure against any lack of peace. Not the least of these is the fact there is no passivity in the Kingdom of God.[1] This is because “light” is always active. The moment you relieve the “pressure” of light, “darkness” immediately takes its place as the default reciprocal.[2] You immediately “lose your peace” if the “pressure” (temptation) isn’t resisted. Even the very act of being in Sabbath rest in Christ Jesus is contingent upon active faith. The moment there is no activity/light (positive pressure) enforced against darkness/un-peace/the flesh/sin, these things will, by default, take over and rule our lives. It is not unlike being in a boat and having to battle the current while moving upstream. If we “relax”, then we will submit to them and they become our “masters”(as we float downstream without resisting the current):

Ø “Know ye not, that to whom ye yield yourselves servants to obey, his servants ye are to whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obedience unto righteousness?” (Romans 6:16)

That’s why we see so many examples of “action” in the Bible. For instance we see “put on”, “put off”, “pray”, “cease not”, “ask”, “seek”, “knock”, “let”, “love”, “resist”, “flee”, “fight”, “labor”, “lay apart”, “separate”, et. al.. This is why the Bible tells us to be “doers” of the word and not hearers only, deceiving ourselves[3] and why we must have a corresponding action to our faith or it is dead.[4]

We see Jesus making this exact teaching here:

Ø Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Matthew 7:14)

When we examine this scripture, we find that the word “narrow” is the Greek word “thlibo” (Strongs #2346). It means:

Ø AV - trouble 4, afflict 3, narrow 1, throng 1, suffer tribulation 1; 10
1) to press (as grapes), press hard upon
2) a compressed way
2a) narrow straitened, contracted
3) metaph. to trouble, afflict, distress

It is telling us that the “way” is “pressured”. There is resistance from “tribulation”, from “sin” (that so easily besets), from “temptation”, and certainly from our own “flesh” (which wars against our soul). If that pressure is not resisted, then darkness prevails. That is exactly why the Bible says this:

Ø “Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you” (James 4:7)

If we do not resist and counter evil/darkness/the flesh/the Devil, we will be overcome rather than be overcomers. Darkness will prevail. This darkness is called “death” when it triumphs over the “children of light” (the believers).

The seriousness of this matter is emphasized here:

Ø “While they promise them liberty, they themselves are the servants of corruption: for of whom a man is overcome, of the same is he brought in bondage” (2 Peter 2:19)

The meaning is clear; this is spiritual law and a lack of knowledge of such things can bring bondage. In this case the bondage can bring death (if a person is overcome by darkness/erroneous teaching/ignorance/sin et. al.). This exact dynamic is addressed more than once in both the "Old Testament" and the “New Testament” and needs to be believed lest we are overcome by the default of inactivity and ignorance. The cost of ignorance is grim:

Ø “Therefore my people are gone into captivity, because they have no knowledge……” (Isaiah 5:13)


Ø “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge……….” (Hosea 4:6)

Peace and Righteousness

Now we need to make a direct connection between “peace” and “righteousness”:

Ø “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace” (James 3:17-18)

Here we see that, if there is going to be wisdom and righteousness, there must be peace. We can say it this way: since Christ is all wisdom and righteous, and since He is the “Prince of Peace”, wisdom, peace and righteousness are inseparable:

Ø “But of him are ye in Christ Jesus, who of God is made unto us wisdom, and righteousness, and sanctification, and redemption” (1 Corinthians 1:30)

Let’s continue with this thinking:

Ø “Now no chastening for the present seemeth to be joyous, but grievous: nevertheless afterward it yieldeth the peaceable fruit of righteousness unto them which are exercised thereby” (Hebrews 12:11)

Here we can see that the Lord is attempting to resolve His children to the “peaceable fruit of righteousness”. We simply cannot and must not try to separate “peace” and “righteousness”.

We are to even “follow peace”:

Ø “Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart” (2 Timothy 2:22)

Ø “Let us therefore follow after the things which make for peace, and things wherewith one may edify another” (Romans 14:19)

As we bear the “peaceable fruit of righteousness”, we sow that peace in other’s lives as they partake of our fruit. Everything we do is to be in the name of Jesus so we plant/sow peace in His name. We are to be “peace makers”:

Ø “And the fruit of righteousness is sown in peace of them that make peace” (James 3:18)

Making Peace is a Ministry

Let’s make this statement: we are all “ministers of reconciliation”.[5] That means that we reconcile others to the peace which is in Christ. However, it’s hardly possible to resolve others to peace if we are not at peace ourselves. Not being in peace means we’re not abiding in Christ (the “Prince of Peace), wisdom (which is first peaceable), or righteousness (which is always peaceful). If we are not abiding in Christ, we have no power by which we may deliver others. It also means that there will be no way that we can mature into “Christians” (i.e. righteousness and “Christ-like”) because we are not “abiding in the vine”.

We should, by now, understand that “ministry” is simply the direct result of our fruition. I’m not necessarily including those who have a “special calling” or “anointing” (though they do have the same responsibility to bear fruit). They will be used of the Lord to fulfill His will in a different way. This is speaking to the body of Christ in general. Said a different way; having a “special anointing” to do the work of the Lord is not God’s best. Having the Lord abiding in His temple and performing His will as He did in Christ is His best. It is His desire that we all come to this place and be “peacemakers” just as He was a “peacemaker”. However, believers don’t start “mature” so the Lord gave “gifts unto men” until we could arrive to maturity:

Ø “But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men. (Now that he ascended, what is it but that he also descended first into the lower parts of the earth? He that descended is the same also that ascended up far above all heavens, that he might fill all things) And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive; But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love” (Ephesians 4:7-16)

You may be able to catch what is happening here. One thing is that the “ministry gifts” are not necessarily complete in themselves. This is largely because they must abide by the same scriptural requirements for all. In other words, there is no “short cut” to maturity and fruition (though some would think that their “anointing” qualifies them for such a short cut). However, these (above) ministries are well-trained prior to being released into full-time ministry.[6]

Secondly is that it is glaringly obvious that the Lord wants His children to stop being “babies” and become (fully) like Christ walking in love with one with another. This is expressly the “job” of the “ministry”.[7] It is to perfect the saints to be a dwelling place (temple) for the Holy Spirit and to prepare them to be a bride for Christ.[8] Likewise, they are to teach the body how to be “ministers of reconciliation” (i.e. “peacemakers”).

It needs to be briefly noted again that not all will receive such preparation since their doctrines do not allow for it. They do not believe in the maturity of the saints or their empowerment to become mature. They leave the matter strictly in the hands of the Lord. This is contrary to sound doctrine and all scripture if for no other reason than they have never seen the Lord perform any such “maturation” of His children (in hundreds of years of their preaching). Unfortunately, such doctrines will lead to many of the Lord’s people being cheated out of the fullness of the will of the Lord. And, regrettably, many will be excluded from being part of the bride[9] and cannot be “blessed” as “peacemakers” as seen in Matthew 5:9. .

To be like Christ is to abide in peace since He is the “Prince of Peace”. That means that the Lord’s will is to reside in that peaceful temple in all of His glory.[10] That being the case, we can also see that there must be a restoration of the ministry gifts that the Lord has placed in the body. There can be no maturing of the body outside of this dynamic (regardless of the nay saying of “mainstream religion”). The body must be resolved to peace to be able to be fully blessed and empowered to fulfill the will of the Lord (particularly in the “end times”) and to be a (manifestly holy) temple in which the Spirit may abide.

As the believer strives to “enter into the rest” of God (i.e. the Sabbath rest of God in Christ), they will find that they will be “witnesses” of the resurrection power of God. They will lay hands on the sick and they will recover to peace. People will be healed and set free as blind eyes and deaf ears are opened as they are resolved to the peace of God in Christ. Demons will be cast out and we will see many (believers and un-believers) witness the mercy and grace of God as He manifests His glory through His (willing, obedient, and peaceful) people. That is being a true “witness”,[11] a true “ministry”, and is being a “peacemaker” in accordance to scripture. If you are like Christ, then you are a witness to His resurrection. You are a “peacemaker”. If you are not “Christ-like” (i.e. “peace-like”) then there is no witness of His resurrection power in your life because Christ is not (manifestly) there.

A Peaceful Conclusion

It is difficult to not continue to emphasize the fact that, where peace is, God is and where peace is not, God is not. If God is present, then his reconciliation is present; for He said, “I will draw all men unto me”. Likewise where God is not, peace is not. This is the reason why we must give all diligence to being “peacemakers” by resolving the entirety of our being (spirit, soul, and body) to peace in Christ Jesus, the “Prince of Peace”. We must have the Lord active (abiding) in our lives for when He is, all things will be resolved to His Sabbath rest in Christ. We will be “peacemakers” through the resurrection power of Christ. We will be “blessed”.

Also, it is only when we are abiding in peace that we will (manifestly) abide in Christ. Only then will we be able to bear and maintain the peaceable fruit of righteousness. We have the word of God (the “seed”) and plenty of “water” (the Holy Spirit) so all we need to do is to provide the “arable soil” of our hearts. We must remove the “stones”, “weeds”, and all hardness and maintain an attitude of repentance[12] so that we may bear our fruit in due season. We must disallow the lust of the eye, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.[13] For then shall we shine as lights to those who live in darkness and will be “peacemakers” in a very un-peaceful world:

Ø “That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world” (Philippians 2:15)

Ø “For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us. For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Romans 8:18-19)

[1] The Kingdom of God is also the Kingdom of Light since God is light
[2] This is, in fact, an example of the “Law of Reciprocals” (or “Law of Mutually Interchangeability”). Included in this law is the matter of the “pressure of darkness”
[3] James 1:21-22
[4] James 2:20 and 2:26
[5] 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
[6] Though there are many examples of those who were not prepared
[7] Specifically the “five-fold” ministry
[8] It is the “job” of the ministry to prepare the saints. The Father will select a bride
[9] Anyone thinking that Christ is choosing for Himself an immature carnally-minded bride that has not kept herself unspotted from the world needs to re-read the Bible. He will have a manifestly holy bride
[10] Romans 8:30
[11] At no time does the Bible tell the believer to “go witnessing”. It says that there are those who are a witness. One is working “for God” and “un-peaceful” while the other is working “with God” in peace and in His will.
[12] 2 Peter 3:9
[13] 1 John 2:16

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